Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It has been an age since I've written, and I will remedy that.

The evil silkies are well and active. Photos will come as soon as the camera starts working for me. Four of them now live with family friends, so we have our five... Grammy Chicken, Monday, Tiny the wonderful non-growing chick, and two who have yet to earn their names. They are already getting really fuzzy and have poofy flanks and topknots. They now live outside with a heat lamp in the chicken coop, which has been chick proofed.

I also have a bunch of eggs in the incubator that are due the fifth and more that are due the 18th. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, some lavender silkies, Barred Rocks, some mutts from a friend, a bunch of Easter Eggers. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this hatch goes!

We have also decided to make this house our permanent home, so we will be putting things together as best we can in our suburban backyard. It should be quite an adventure!

Despite some unseasonally cold weather our garden starting to get put together. We have blackberries, a beautiful artichoke plant, and we have just planted some bush cherries and a grape vine. We'll see how they do.

We also have an adventure planned for Friday, but I won't share until after!

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