Monday, January 3, 2011

Pictures Galore

I need to make one correction-- "Dave" actually hatched from a blue egg from the second seller, not the first.

Dave (2nd seller)

Alvin, the smallest chick, still looking a little icky from his rough entry (stupid incubator) 1st seller.

Theodore (2nd seller)

Theodore looking cheeky (2nd seller)

Left to right-- Dave, Simon (top), Alvin (bottom), Theodore

Left to right-- Dave, Simon (top), Alvin (bottom), Theodore

Cheeks watching the chicks

Theodore and Simon are best buddies. Theodore has really dark feet and legs.

Theodore, Simon, Alvin

Dave (bottom) and Alvin (top)

Dave (bottom) and Alvin (top)

Cheeks and NoWay watching Chicken TV


  1. Looks like maybe you got yourself at least one Americauna?

  2. All four should be Americaunas, actually, the first two came from greenish eggs (olive) the second two from blue eggs. I know that Simon and Alvin are 'pure' inasmuch as any Americaunas are pure, but I think the other two, or at least Theodore, may have something else-- their legs are much darker.
