Sunday, January 30, 2011

We have Pips!

The eggs are due starting tomorrow and we already have some singing in the incubator and at least one pip. I am really excited as I have taken extra care with this whole incubation process, being very very precise with relative humidity and temperature in the incubator.

Nothing to see yet, really, but I will post with photos as soon as we know anything is really happening.


  1. What kind of eggs are these? So exciting! :-)

  2. Thanks :) These are silkie eggs, so the chicks are particularly adorable if not the best layers ever.

  3. I have 2 silkie pullets, they came from a hatchery assortment, I had to rehome the other 5 silkies - they were ALL roos!

    I have some silkie/ E.E./ Lavender Ameraucana eggs in the incubator now, along with some Phoenix and some Polish eggs. Totally addicted to incubating! Your hatchitis blog post made me laugh! I sent it to a few friends and they thought I wrote it about myself!

  4. These are my first silkies and I am totally hooked, they are so adorable with those little topknots :) I have some Blue/Black/Splash silkies due in a couple days, and I am very excited to see how they turn out.

    Those silkie/EE/Lavenders sound amazing, you'll have to send pics so I can see them when they hatch.
