I'm always interested to find out what people who know nothing about chickens assume about them. I thought I would share a few, and answer them as best I can... it's also a good laugh for people who know about chickens.
I took Alvin to school with me the other day to pick up the Boy. Boy explained that Alvin came from a blue egg.
His teacher said, "Like a robin? Is it a robin?"
Boy explained that it was a chicken. Chickens can lay all colors of eggs.
Another lady, waiting for her grand-daughter at the same school asked me how I feed my chickens.
"Oh," I replied, "I feed them starter feed, and some fresh foods and leftovers..."
She nodded. "In a dropper?"
(Chickens are born able to feed themselves. Quail and other similar birds can too. Yes, birds like parrots need to be fed through a dropper if a human feeds them...)
Same lady didn't know that incubation was possible. I didn't want to be offensive, so I didn't ask her where she thought they all came from, the ones we eat, but I didn't. I AM curious though.
I know that some kids, if you ask them, "Where does chicken come from? Where do eggs come from?" will answer, "The store."
This is actually one of the big reasons that I do what I do and that I want to expand my homestead. I think it is essential that children, well, people in general, know where their food comes from and how it gets to them, to have a sense of gratitude and respect for the animals that provide us with the nutrients we need to survive.
And to get to know animals as individuals, not as factories for eggs, meat, and milk. We should know them, thank them for their gifts, interact with them, and be grateful for their bounty.
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