We had to be merciful and 'destroy' Alvin-the-chick last night. He never was strong, as he was the chick I assisted, and he never had leg function. While the other chicks thrived he would refuse to eat, even when I tried to feed him by hand, and was suffering. I've never had to put down a chick before this, and it was really hard.
We actually involved the children in the decision and they agreed that, as he was going to die anyway, it was not fair or kind to prolong his suffering.
The other chicks are a lot more relaxed without his constant crying.
I think it's an essential part of animal ownership to know when to be merciful. Death isn't the worst thing that can happen to an animal-- prolonged suffering is cruel and it was my responsibility to make the call.
I am blessed to have an amazing husband who took over and made it so quick. Alvin never knew what hit him and it is a relief, really, to know he's not suffering anymore.
I would have loved to have known what Alvin would have grown up to be.
Wah! That stinks!