I was explaining to Boy that today is due day for the eggs and he shouted, "NO! I don't want to turn them in!" I guess first grade and homework changes how he thinks of 'due'.
So far there's nothing exciting to report. We had one egg that was cheeping last night and shaking, but it has not moved or made a sound since the incubator got messed with last night, so I have little hope for that one.
On the other hand, we DO have a pip (a tiny hole chipped in the egg) that is progressing.
I have had issues with temperatures through this whole incubating experience, so I figure that some will be late. I have no way to monitor humidity and I am concerned with the fact that my incubator has holes that lets moisture out, hopefully the levels will end up being fine.
I think this is the point that anyone who hatches chickens becomes a total stress case and worries that no eggs will hatch at all.
16 eggs have made it to today. If any of them hatch I will be relieved.
That total is not counting the Marans, who are due in a week.
As things progress (or don't) I will keep updating. The egg that has a pip is in a bad spot for pictures.
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