Is there anything better than I smiling baby? I really can't think of anything. I love that, despite his tummy troubles, Jellybean is a smiley little boy. He smiles when he spits up. He smiles while he's crying with a tummy ache. He smiles when he hears Daddy or his brothers.

Wow, I can learn from that! Do I great adversity and challenges with a smile? I think, most of the time, I don't handle things well. I get down and depressed, instead of being like Jellybean. I should smile through my tears, like he does.
Wouldn't it be amazing and great if we all were content to be chubby and happy like a baby? To trust others to be there when we need them? To love everyone without question, just because they are there?

Of course, life isn't that simple. It's impractical to go through life expecting the things all babies deserve (and not enough of them get!), but I can borrow his joy for a little while, when I just look down on that beautiful, trusting, happy face.
Are you smiling yet?
Try to resist this face:
We have a saying in this house:
"Two Year Olds are DANGEROUS!"
"Who, me?"
You'd better believe it!
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